Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing can help you to feel happier and healthier by encouraging you to join activities in your local area. It is designed to support you if you struggle with your physical or mental health or well-being.
Group activities include things like gardening, walking, eating healthy food, dancing, craft groups, cooking, swimming, yoga and circuit training.
Social prescribing can also help you get advice on housing, debt advice, training, employment and volunteering, and access to mental health support.
They could even support you to create something new such as a gardening club, a fishing group, a ‘men’s shed’ or knit and knatter group.
Social prescribing can help you to have more control over your own health and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.
Studies show that people get better and feel better faster than those treated with medicine alone. And because it works, it’s happening more and more.
Ask reception how to contact the Health & Wellbeing Team for your initial conversation on what they can do to help you.
You could benefit from Social Prescribing if;
- You would like to meet new people or have a regular place to go to each week for some company.
- You would like to know more about which types of food are good for you.
- You have an illness or condition which could benefit from doing more activity or exercise.
- You are stressed or have anxiety or depression.