Sedation for Flying, Dental Appointments and Scans

In line with Airline guidance we DO NOT prescribe medication for flying or flight anxiety.
Sedating medications work like alcohol - some people can get quite agitated rather than being sedated, which poses a risk on the flight. Similarly some people get overly sedated despite small doses, which makes evacuating them off a plane in an emergency difficult.
You can obtain over the counter mild sedating medications, or most airlines will offer or signpost you to flight anxiety courses if you ask.

Dental Sedation
Dentists are able to prescribe certain medications including sedation.
We do NOT prescribe sedation for dental procedures. We do not know what procedure you are having, what level of sedation is required and the impact this may have.
Being sedated can also affect your ability to consent to a procedure, meaning it may not take place if you are overly sedated on the day.
Speak to your dentist about your options if you are worried about needing sedation.
Sedation for most scans is not required. Xrays, Ultrasounds and CT scans are all quick procedures that don't involve enclosed spaces. MRI scans can be claustrophobic for some and can take time. Rarely sedation is required for these.
Sedation is to be issued by the person who referred you for the scan - this may be the consultant rather than the GP.
The scanning department MUST know if you have been issued sedation for a scan as they may need to arrange additional monitoring for you.